husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

View East Vineyard Launch Website | 1.5.09

View East Vineyard launches a new website, designed by Husk CreativeLocated at the east end of Waiheke Island, a beautiful vineyard owned by Bridget and Daren Day, sits on a ridge with breathtaking views. But go beyond the landscape and you're also taken on a voyage into the history of the island of Waiheke, wine, and viticulture. View East is not just a vineyard - it's a taste and lifestyle experience - and you can even stay the night, the true wandering wine-romancer's dream. Check out the new website the Huskies have just designed for them - it may even inspire you to take a trip, stay a while in their tasting room and come away with a few bottles in hand... more

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"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown