husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

Dobbyn, Moa and OpShop Fun | 28.2.09

Production Co. ticket holders, designed by Husk CreativeThe Production Co. recently had a big bunch of people they wanted to thank/honour/bless/spend time with/be generous to (as they frequently do), and this time around, decided to ship them off to the enjoy Dave Dobbyn, Anika Moa and Opshop amongst the vines on the More FM Winery Tour. We got the fun job of making some hot little ticket holders for the lovely pressies and reckon they made handy little coasters on the day too! more

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Not just a pretty face... | 16.2.09

We've got a new HuskieWith Lou about to bring another mini-Husky into the world, it became clear we were going to need to bring someone else in to share the design load here at Husk. Several worlds collided and taa-daa - mid-February saw Natalie Fejos came on the scene! Moving on from the magazine industry, she jumped at the chance to join the team and has already mastered the Monday morning coffee order and the ways of home-baked carrot cake bribery. You'll no doubt hear from her as Lou and Nat job share the studio management role over the next few months. However, Nat has stated clearly that Lou will be doing all the pushing herself! Contact Nat

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"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown