husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

Soul Purpose Issue 24 Launched | 26.6.06

The new SP magazine is out and about - it's the love issue and we personally love the cover the best (thanks to Rochelle Andrews). SP thought it was about time to do a magazine about everyone's fav the Huskies gobbled choccies, thought happy thoughts and turned up love-songs-till-midnight to inspire some good ol' fashioned design lovin' >> more

NZ ain't no 'E-Litter Nation' | 20.6.06

There's an interesting piece of paper floating through NZ Parliament at the mo called the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Bill which might just 'down-trou' a few small biz owners. This 'anti-spam legislation' in theory will prevent jo public from being 'spammed' (as a result of say, giving you his business card or email address), and suddenly finding himself on an e-news list he has never heard of. If e-Marketing is a valuable tool for your biz, you need to allow users to 'opt-in' or 'sign-up' to your news list (incentives + free info are good catalysts to subscribe) and the freedom to unsubscribe at anytime. Though this approach requires some thought and effort to develop and sustain, it is far better for us small businesses to have subscribers that appreciate our correspondence, instead of being caught littering even more junk-mail on the cyber-highway. If we're busted hiffing our KFC box from the car to the road, we get fined. So why not e-litter? (inspired by this article)

Hunting for a Font? | 19.6.06

If you have ever been lusting after a font and don't know what it's called, or hunting for a font you used to have but accidentally deleted, Type Navigator is your new best friend. In keeping with losing things, we were introduced to this concept online years ago but forgot all about it. I tested it on a font i recalled from memory today and found it. Yum yum. Best of all, if ur not a visual person, you can still locate by keyword or designer (if ur actually that clued up).

HUSK staff shuffle-about

The key reason for the recent change of studio is that Louise (+ husband Blair) are expecting their first little Husky, due on 28 July. Despite the baby excitement, it will be business as usual, with a few changes in Husky responsibilities as follows:

LOU >> will continue as Husk Director responsible for strategic management of Husk, overall art direction, website work and raising a small human.
MICHELLE >> will step up to Husk Manager responsible for the overall running of the design studio, all graphic design and print projects and will be your key point of contact from 14 July onwards. If you haven't met her yet, pop in sometime soon!
JANINA >> will continue to assist you in regards to all administrative and accounts matters.
JIMMY >> is a talented third-year AUT design student joining us in July for work experience. Wicked.
We also have our usual roster of freelance programmers, designers and photographers on tap if needed when things get frantic.

HUSK has shifted studios!

The exciting news around here is that LAST WEEKEND Husk shifted out of the creative hub that is Studio 3 and into a brand spanking new studio in Avondale. See below for our new details:

HUSK Ltd (trading as HUSK creative)
Ph // 09 828 4489
Fax // 09 828 1446
Postal // PO Box 19-557, Avondale, Auckland
Physical // 68 Wingate St, Avondale, Auckland

Pop in and see us sometime - we don't quite have the Odeon downstairs anymore, but some good coffee options available nonetheless!

"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown