husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

Michelle on Maternity Leave | 18.7.08

Michelle Sarkar from Husk Creative goes on Maternity LeaveIt's an emotional little day today for the Huskies today as we farewell our senior designer, baking queen and talent extraordinaire, Michelle Sarkar. 'Moo', as she is affectionately called around the studio, is about to embark on the steepest learning curve of her life - the journey of motherhood. Eeeep! Though Lou, Innie, Janina and Blair (and probably many of our dear clients) will miss her terribly, we wish her and Adam all the best as they take a deep breath and step into their brand new world. Watch this space for goss, pics and all things baby.


HUSK now officially 'sustainable' | 17.7.08

HUSK creative now a member of the Sustainable Business NetworkHUSK {creative} is excited to announce that we are now officially members of the NZ Sustainable Business Network. The Sustainable Business Network is a national organisation that works with businesses to identify and adopt practices that will help them towards sustainability. If you're interested in how HUSK can help you 'green up' your printing, design or promotional material, drop us a line. We've got heaps of cool stuff goin on, from paper stocks to billboards, eco bags to biodegradable bus signage baby! For more about we do ourselves to help Husk become more sustainable, read this.

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Buy Organic Because... | 1.7.08

HUSK believe in buying organic fruit and vege to avoid pesticides...there are a whole pile of fruits and vegetables that are known to be highly pesticide-exposed. Noshtopia published this list of some of the most pesticide-contaminated produce at your average supermarket, of which we had little clue.

Apples >> Capsicum >> Celery >> Nectarines >> Strawberries >> Cherries >> Lettuce >> Grapes >> Pears

Many of these fruit and veges are things we eat every day, so it's good to sharpen up. (If all this organic blah blah just makes you tired, you can relax about buying organic for fruit like bananas, oranges, tangerines and grapefruit because you hiff the skin anyway).

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"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown