husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

Just Living Reflects on the Hikoi of Hope | 20.4.08

Husk Creative designs Just Living Winter 2008 IssueJust Living's Winter issue, themed around the Hikoi of Hope, has just rolled off the press in Christchurch. The pages journey us through the years since the Hikoi of Hope, (which addressed concerns for Education, Health, Unemployment, Housing and Poverty) and then contrasts the calls for change with our current situation decades later. Just Living urges us to think critically about our lives, the world, community, faith and justice, and we are pleased to be influenced by them. Sign up. Join in. Walk on. Read more.

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Welcome Innie Huh | 17.4.08

Husk Creative welcomes Innie HuhWe are excited to announce the newest (and sweetest) addition to our Husk family - 25-year-old Innie Huh, fresh out of design school with talent to boot. She a very happy kiwi-korean and is the fastest illustrator in the studio (basically way out of our league!). Innie is married to Billy, loves drawing, food and dressing up and slurps the most scary-looking (yet surprisingly tasty) green tea we've ever seen. She also brings her slippers to work - a good sign we think. We look forward to introducing her to your fine selves.

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Soul Purpose Thinks Outside the Box of Mags | 15.4.08

Husk Creative designs Soul Purpose Magazine Winter 2008 Issue'On a mission' to get readers out of the box, off their chuffs and into the real world, SP devoted eight pages of the latest mag to 'living life on a mission'. From teaching music in Madagascar to building houses in Mexico, SP covers some cool ways all of us can help others less fortunate. 'Talking Dirty with a Porn Pastor' is an intriguing article in which SP boldly delves into porn, addiction and Thanks to new editor Ben, Hayden, El, Liz and the writers for such great team-work. Chur.

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"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown