husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

T'is The Season... | 21.12.06

T'was the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a keyboard was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the iMacs with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The creatives were nestled, snug in their chairs, with visions of powercuts crashing hardware;
With Lou in her 'kerchief, and Moo in her cap...blah blah.....actually, who has time to write such drivel! There are Christmas parties to be had?! Merry Christmas from the HUSKIES! Stay safe and we will see you again from 8 January on. Bless bless.


New CBA Website Launched | 21.12.06

With the skilfull CSS eye of Hamish from Catch Design (thanks Hamo!), we recently redesigned and built the CBA website from scratch to align with their recent identity rebranding campaign. We are newbies to the world of CSS (beyond font styles anyway) and are loving the new flexibility it brings to web-design. Big props to Hamo for the tutorials.

World Vision Appeal | 21.12.06

We have the privilege of working with World Vision through Black Advertising. Lucy Lawless features as the face of World Vision's latest appeal and we encourage you to get behind this New Year campaign. Look out for adverts in The TV Guide and Women’s Weekly, as well as the volunteers out and about in your local shopping mall. You won’t be able to miss our banners we did showing Lucy with two orphans Pascal (9) and Rehema (3) shown above. Remember it’s the season to give - why not support World Vision while you're at it!?

Netball NZ Annual Report | 21.12.06

What a huge year it has been for our hard working ‘behind-the-scenes’ women at Netball New Zealand. They work flamin' hard to represent the Netball world and we have been doing our utmost to support them. Our biggest project is their Annual Report which will go to print early January - a thorough document that showcases 2006 NNZ highlights including the National Bank Cup; NZ Age Groups Champs; NZ U21’s Australian Tour; Fisher & Paykel International Netball and last but not least the Commonwealth Games. We also recently created some fun downloadable wallpapers and screensavers for their brand new website. We’re proud to work with Netball New Zealand and wish them all the best for another great year in 2007.

Soul Purpose in a Sexy Summer Frock | 21.12.06

The next edition of Soul Purpose mag is about to hit the street looking 'schecksy' - SEX (and associated topics) was the theme of this issue and we think it's quite a hottie - plus the SP team burnt the candle at both ends of the North Island to get this one done b4 Chrissy! SP say this issue could potentially be the most controversial, challenging, and provocative one yet, so tuck one in your beach bag for some light summer reading! Also check out the article on the lovely Brooke Fraser and her new disc 'Albertine'. It’s a goodie.

"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown