husk creative means 'communication before decoration'
we specialise in print + web design, web development + hosting and e-marketing

HUSK staff shuffle-about

The key reason for the recent change of studio is that Louise (+ husband Blair) are expecting their first little Husky, due on 28 July. Despite the baby excitement, it will be business as usual, with a few changes in Husky responsibilities as follows:

LOU >> will continue as Husk Director responsible for strategic management of Husk, overall art direction, website work and raising a small human.
MICHELLE >> will step up to Husk Manager responsible for the overall running of the design studio, all graphic design and print projects and will be your key point of contact from 14 July onwards. If you haven't met her yet, pop in sometime soon!
JANINA >> will continue to assist you in regards to all administrative and accounts matters.
JIMMY >> is a talented third-year AUT design student joining us in July for work experience. Wicked.
We also have our usual roster of freelance programmers, designers and photographers on tap if needed when things get frantic.

"Someone with a job is never secure; someone with a passion is never unemployed" - Jim Brown